Namaste Welcome to Ritesh Yogi Blog

Namaste Welcome to Ritesh Yogi Blog

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Sunday 27 July 2014

Intensive Workshop !! Seeing and Understanding Bodies !! with Ritesh Kumar

It's my pleasure to see all the students in my first workshop at Yoga World. I would like to say thank you to all my students , to make this workshop be a successful one with your passion and support.
See you in class....

Friday 20 June 2014

Lotus Posture ( Padmasana )

Padmasana - Lotus posture is the most challenging asana. In Sanskrit the word asana means to sit. 

Bending the knees and dropping them on the ground, placing the heels close to the groin, keeping the spine straight , shoulders balanced but relaxed, grounding into Mother Earth, finding out the most centred balancing point of the body. This is the root of Muladhara Chakra and to generate the energy flow from that very point like the serpent standing up on its tail and opening up the Chakra one after the other - this is extremely challenging.

How it works on the knee joints and pelvis how to ground down on the hips and finding out the finer balancing point, and to explore the one lotus posture to hundreds of variations. Sitting quietly and settling down in this fast pace world is challenging and Padmasana is the tool to handle the challenging in both to my student and teaching life.